Acabo de recibir este email de un amigo en el cual se habla sobre lo que es una posible alerta escondida.
Aparentemente FEMA está sobre en la pista de algo bien grande, pues se apresura a comprar una masiva cantidad de alimentos y todo tipo de supplies de emergencia .
Es realmente impresionante la cantidad de 140 millones de paquetes de comida que Fema
está adquiriendo con un escudo de vida de 36 meses para un específico escenario de desastre natural. ¿Se puede considerar esto un Wake-up Call ?
FEMA está realmente convencida de que un gran desastre se avecina, ¿pero cuál?
He aquí la nota informativa traducida al español:
La Agencia Administradora de los Fondos Federales de Emergencia (FEMA) procura y almacena un total de 140 millones de alimentos pre-empacados para la distribución inmediata y diaria en un período de operaciones de diez días, a un reducido grupo de sobrevivientes de posibles desastres naturales.
Mensaje original en Inglés:
(Is It Strange That FEMA Wants to Buy 140 Million Packaged Meals
with a Shelf Life of Only 36 Months for a Specific Disaster Scenario?
They sure seem convinced there will be a big disaster here soon. How much do you think 140 million MRE’s will cost?
Spotted by cryptogon January 23rd, 2011:
I’m sure that there are plenty of reasons why this isn’t weird, but I’ll just make a note of it in case Coincidence strikes.
Via: Federal Business Opportunities:
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) procures and stores pre-packaged commercial meals to support readiness capability for immediate distribution to disaster survivors routinely. The purpose of this Request for Information is to identify sources of supply for meals in support of disaster relief efforts based on a catastrophic disaster event within the New Madrid Fault System for a survivor population of 7M to be utilized for the sustainment of life during a 10-day period of operations. FEMA is considering the following specifications (14M meals per day):
- Serving Size – 12 ounce (entree not to exceed 480 calorie count);
- Maximum calories – 1200 and/or 1165 per meal;
- Protein parameters – 29g-37g kit;
- Trans Fat – 0;
- Saturated Fat – 13 grams (9 calories per gram);
- Total Fat – 47 grams (less than 10% calories);
- Maximum sodium – 800-930 mg;
Requested Menus to include snacks (i.e. fruit mix, candy, chocolate/peanut butter squeezers, drink mix, condiments, and utensils). All meals/kits must have 36 months of remaining shelf life upon delivery. Packaging should be environmentally friendly.
Now the government wants @ 1.3 Million gallons of fuel in addition to the 14M Blankets, Meals, and Body bags in adjacent states:
The Government has a presolicitation notice out for 24-thousand gallons of gasoline and 135,000 gallons of diesel in each state for NC, SC, GA, FL, AL, MS, TX, and LA. That’s 1.272 million gallons they’re looking for. Vendors will be required to maintain readiness capability and deliver within 24 hours notice and provide mobile refueling in the event of a disaster to and within a 300 mile radius of mobilization areas.
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